Heart scan

I’m off the bike today as I am at the hospital for my heart scan later. This is to see if I can come off or reduce my heart mediction.

If you recall I have an enlarged heart wall and had dangerously high blood pressure. The high BP was down to my morbid obesity and the enlarged heart wall could have been caused by the high BP or excessive excercise when I was playing rugby and in the military. I was as fit as a butcher’s dog back then!

Over Christmas the Doc told me to come off the medication until the scan, my BP is totally normal and he is keen to see if the lifestyle change is enough to take me off the Perindropol for good.

I haven’t had any problems since I stopped taking them, so who knows!

The pedal home yesterday was great, Spring definately is in the air!

3 responses to “Heart scan

  1. Heres looking forward to a positive result mate!

  2. Good luck mate. Fingers crossed that it all goes well.

  3. Good luck with the results when they come through

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